Teaching Social Skills through Sketch Comedy and Improv Games addresses how to utilize the program with:

  • Groups
    • therapy groups
    • Intervention groups
    • community groups
  • Classroom
    • Smaller classrooms (such as resource room)
    • Larger classroom
  • Individual sessions

Social Theatre TM was created as an afterschool program, has been utilized in teaching social emotional learning and used in Language Arts as a collaborative writing project.  Social Theatre has also been adapted to utilize as a clinical model.  Social Theatre’s collaborative writing process is helpful in guiding groups through brainstorming, the acceptance of each others ideas, through performance. Research shows that writing skills are increased up to 300% when improvisation is implemented into language arts classes (DeMichelle, 2015). Strategies can also be utilized with individuals in therapy and community groups.  The collaborative writing process which are discussed in Teaching Social Skills through Sketch Comedy and Improv Games 

Social Theatre TM is licensing programs to be utilized in community programs, afterschool or during school.  For more information, visit https://socialtheatre.org/afterschool-sel-curriculum/.